
10 de septiembre de 2010

El señor regordete tras Kirk Hammett

Hamburgo, mayo de 2005, Metallica da uno de esos conciertos multitudinarios y luego saca los vídeos para que los que nos los perdimos rabiemos de envidia. En pleno tema Dyers Eve, aparece un tipo tranquilamente tocando la guitarra justo a la vez que Kirk Hammett. Los comentarios en Youtube son alarmistas, ¡a ver si va a estar tocando ese en vez de Hammett!

Nada más lejos de lo contraro, simplemente estaba afinando la guitarra. Miradlo en el minuto 2:11.

Por cierto, ya que estamos... ¡ataque momento musical! Vamos a ver la letra que esta es una de las canciones de Metallica que más me molan:

Dear Mother,
dear Father.
What is this Hell you have put me throwgh.
Day in day out live my life through you,
pushed onto me what's wrong or right,
hidden from this thing that they call light.

Dear Mother,
dear Father.
Every thought I'd think you'd disapprove.
Always censoring my every move.
Children are seen but are not heard.
Tear out everything inspired.

torn from me without your shelter.
Barred reality,
I'm living blindly.

Dear Mother,
dear Father.
Time has frozen still what's left to be.
Hear nothing.
Say nothing.
Cannot face the fact I thing for me.
No guarantee, it's life as is,
but damn you for not giving me my chance.

Dear Mother,
dear Father.
You clipped my wings before I learnt to fly.
I've outgrown that fucking lullaby.
Same thing I've always heard from you:
"Do as I say not as I do".

torn from me without your shelter.
Barred reality,
I'm living blindly.

I'm in Hell without you,
cannot cope without you two,
shocked at te world that I see.
Innocent victim please rescue me.
I'm in Hell Without You
Cannot Cope Without You Two
Shocked at the World That I See
Innocent Victim Please Rescue Me

Dear Mother,
dear Father.
Hidden in your world you've made for me.
I'm seething.
I'm bleeding.
Ripping wounds in me that never heal,
undying spite I feel for you,
living out this Hell you always knew.

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